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🧮 Openings: 1

Hi, we’re FringeCore, a team of engineers and designers that make business processes crazy efficient through building software, hacking hardware and applying design thinking. We’re looking for a few persons to join our squad.

🛰️ Position: Software Engineer

Specialization: Machine Learning Applications

🔍 What We’re Looking For:

  1. Theoretical Knowledge: If know how backprop works, understand f1 scores and confusion metrics you’re good to go.
  2. Python: In-depth understanding of the language itself (if you know how python threads and synchronization works, welcome). Understaing typings in Python is a plus.
  3. SQL: Experience with SQL (you can use JOINs and GROUP BY? pls apply.)
  4. Familiarity with any machine learning deployment frameworks, such as TensorFlow Serving or ONNX Runtime.
  5. Backend Dev Knowledge: Basics like queues and API design will suffice.
  6. Familiarity with the Linux CLIs is a plus.
  7. Having worked with LLM APIs is a plus.

Vibe Check:

  1. You understand that a surprisingly large part of engineering is communication with other humans that may or may not be engineers. (btw, we consider having a blog a plus)
  2. The programming languages and frameworks are the least important part of software development, because stacks become outdated but core concepts are never out of fashion.
  3. You appreciate how knowledge from any part of life becomes of use somehow in every other part of life including at work.

⚙️ Hiring Process:

We will contact you over SMS and Email in the coming weeks. You will have a short at-home coding challenge. Everyone who submits the challenge via Github will be invited to a group adda at our office (this is the main interview). There may or may not be a one-on-one interview afterwards.

🎓 Educational Requirements: None required. Fresh graduates, dropouts, PhD holders and people who don’t believe in institutional education are all welcome.

Time Commitment: Full Time, on-premise, 10 AM to 6 PM. Slightly Flexible.

📍 Location: Gulshan 2, Dhaka (near Gulshan 2 Circle)

🍽 Lunch is on us. Unlimited Coffee.